"Treasure, no matter what you do, don't loose your smile ." This had to have been the nth time someone has said this! I've been complimented a lot of times for having a beautiful smile. In fact, my boss had mentioned that my smile could light up a whole room... If I can remember correctly, she had mentioned how much of a magnetic effect it had on people and how it could influence how people perceived me. I couldn't help the smile that crept up on my face as she said these words, and just like that, she pointed it out again. That million dollar smile had to have been the key to my job. The Story Behind The Smile Do you know the unique thing about my smile? It's the fact that before now, before the thrilling smile that we all see on Treasure's face, there was a moment where I had trouble smiling. There was a time where I had looked in the mirror like I did this morning and felt like I was the worst. I didn't like my looks, and most of all, there was...
Hello there! Happy new year and welcome to my blog space. You'd imagine that this blog would have been shut down by now. I'd think so as well, but I realise that I've really missed writing A LOT! I've had memories from years ago; it sounds like a really long time, locked up in this blog, so much so that I can't delete them, and so instead of letting them go, I'd revamp them. This blog first started from a desire to emulate a role model, Ezinne Zara. There! I finally told myself the truth. I had asked God about it, prayed about it, and even spent months delaying it before I finally stepped out to do it. Since then, I've loved everything about it. It became a daily blog, and I told myself that I could do it, and so I showed up every single day for months, writing thoughts that came to mind. I wrote about my relationship with God and how my life had been faring, but then I stopped. I couldn't meet up, and sincerely, it didn't look like anyone was read...